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Thank you for visiting Celsa Steel Service web site.
We have established some guidelines in order to make sure that this web site is informative and useful to everyone. Once in a while we can change or modify these norms, therefore we recommend you to visit this web page frequently in order to be informed of the norms in force.
When entering in this Web you are accepting to act under these norms. This Web can contain information, communications, software, photos, videos, graphs, music, sounds, images and other materials and services (from now on ”content”), usually provided by Celsa Steel Service or by independent content providers under license.
You agree and you know that Celsa Steel Service allows the access to the above-mentioned content, but at the same time this content is protected by the intellectual and industry property laws (from now on ”rights”). These rights are valid and are protected by all possible means at the present time or that may be developed in the future. Consequently, you accept that your use of the content is ruled by these norms and rights as well as the applicable laws of the private property.
All the content of Celsa Steel Service’s Web is protected by these rights and Celsa Steel Service is the owner, or in this case, the one who has the license of the content; therefore you can not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transference or sale of, reproduction, creation of works derived from, distribution, display, exhibit, or, in any way operate their partial or total contents.
It is not allowed to establish a link to, or an e-mail content from, any URL to any of the Celsa Steel Service webs, without the written permission of Celsa Steel Service. Please contact with the person in charge of the Web if you have any doubt or suggestion.
Celsa Steel Service does not have any control about the visitors entering to its Web and where they can be located. Although Celsa Steel Service is aware of this, this does not mean that they can be submitted to the jurisdictions of foreign countries; in case of conflict or claim in relation to this web, therefore will be the courts of the city of Barcelona (Spain) the only competent ones.
Celsa Steel Service are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. Any other product or product name mentioned in this Web is right of intellectual or industrial property registered by their respective companies. It is not allowed the total or partial reproduction without the authorization of the owner.
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Celsa Steel Service, reserves the right to modify the content of the Web without previous warning.
Celsa Steel Service, is exempt from any responsibility due to service deficiencies that can be attributed to the server or connection networks, and the damages that any computer virus may cause.
Celsa Steel Service, does not assume responsibility for the credibility of the information provided by third parties, directly enclosed or as link to this Web.
Halmstad, May 2012
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